5th International Conference on Mobile, Secure and Programmable Networking (MSPN'2019)

Mohammedia, Morocco, April 23-24, 2019

Invited speaker : Awatif Hayar

Title: Frugal Paradigm paving the way towards Affordable Smart Cities & Sustainable Communities


In emerging countries, Smart city concept implementation is even more relevant and challenging than in developed countries. Indeed, higher rate of population growth is faced with limited resources which generate more societal challenges.
"Smart City" is a new concept based on a global approach that relies on the informational and functional integration of various urban complex systems such as transport, health, energy, governance, etc. It enables to set-up an efficient and resilient ecosystem that collects and analyzes city data to optimize its interconnected systems operation.
Frugality is a resource usage optimization philosophy which can help to initiate new paradigm to shift from the consumer society to a society which is more concerned by natural resources limitation and how to sustain them for future generations.
Frugal Inclusive Collaborative Social Sustainable Smart Cities (FICSSS-Smart City) aims to contribute to answer these aspirations. It is an ICT-driven social innovation which puts citizens at the center of the transformation process, creating a public-private-people partnership where citizens are actors in and co-builders of their smart city. It is also aiming at limiting investment risks by adopting data driven affordable or “frugal” bottom-up social innovation. It is based on capitalizing on mobiquitous devices, such as smartphone and also crowdsourcing tools, open data analysis and artificial intelligence techniques, to develop IT-driven innovation cycle and e-services that track and answer citizens economic cultural, social and ecological needs. This participatory oriented social innovation approach will allow, step by step, to build a set of interconnected pilot projects to set up gradually a sustainable smart city collaborative innovation ecosystem creating at the end inclusive sustainable economy and thus paving the way towards a future resilient smart city which turns societal and economic challenges into business opportunities, human development and well being society.


Dr. Aawatif HAYAR received, with honors, as the First Moroccan, the degree of “Agrégation” in Electrical Engineering from EcoleNormaleSupérieure de Cachan in 1992. She received the “Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies” in Signal processing Image and Communications and the degree of Engineer in Telecommunications Systems and Networks from ENSEEIHT de Toulouse in 1997. She received with honors the Ph.D. degree in Signal Processing and Telecommunications from Institut National Polytechnique in Toulouse in 2001. She was research and teaching associate at EURECOM’s Mobile Communication Department from 2001 to 2010 in Sophia Antipolis-France. Aawatif Hayar has an HDR (Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche) from University Sud Toulon Var from France on Cognitive Wideband Wireless Systems on 2010 and an HDR on Green Téléommunication from University Hassan II Casablanca on 2013. Since 2011, Aawatif Hayar has Professor position at the University Hassan II Casablanca. She is also member of Casablanca “Avant-garde” City think-tank. She is co-initiator since 2013 of E-madina Smart City Cluster. Her research interests includes fields such as cognitive green communications systems, UWB systems, smart grids, smart sustainable social building, e-governance, open data for citizens, smart cities, ICT for social eco-friendly smart socio-economic development. Pr. Aawatif Hayar is also IEEE DLT Chair for EMEA region since 2014 and the designer of Frugal Social Sustainable Smart City concept for Casablanca and emerging countries which was selected by IEEE Smart City initiative as one of the most innovative projects in the world in 2015. Pr. Aawatif Hayar is currently Chair of Casablanca IEEE Core Smart City project. She was also selected by the prestigious African Innovation Foundation as one of the top ten innovative African women in 2015. Aawatif Hayar has developed “Frugal Social Collaborative Sustainable Smart City Casablanca“, a new concept for smart city transformation which was distinguished by IEEE Smart city initiative in 2015 as an innovative cost effective inclusive smart city concept. She is the Scientific Advisor, at the City level, of Smart City Expo Casablanca. Pr. Aawatif Hayar is currently leading or involved in a couple of R&D/Innovation projects with the City of Casablanca, the region Casablanca Settat, CNRST, INDH, GIZ and Heinrich Böll Stiftung such as End to End Energy Efficiency Living Lab, Virtual Museum of Casablanca, e-douar “Smart Inclusive Ecological village” and Solar Decathlon Africa E-Co Dar projects.