7th International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2024)

Reims, France, November 27-29, 2024


Wednesday November 27th, 2024

09:00 — Registration

09:45 — Conference opening

10:00 — Keynote 1

From Capturing Reality to Regenerating It: Transforming Autonomous Driving Simulation and Testing
Gamal Elghazaly (Univ. du Luxembourg, Luxembourg)

11:00 — Coffee break

11:15 — Session 1

Learning per-flow SD-WAN load-balancing policies
Hocine Abdelhamid, David Jia and Vania Conan (Thales SIX, France)

Survey on Federated Learning in Smart Healthcare
Assia Hammamouche (Normandy Univ., France and Bejaia Univ., Algeria), Djamila Zamouche (Bejaia Univ., Algeria), Lyes Khoukhi (Normandy Univ., France) and Said Hamamouche (Paris Cité Univ., France)

Complex Communication Networks Management with Distributed AI: Challenges and Open Issues
Christina Alhachem, Mounir Kellil (Univ. Paris-Saclay, France) and Abdelmadjid Bouabdallah (Univ. de Technologie de Compiègne, France)

12:30 — Lunch break

14:00 — Keynote 2

Driving Energy Efficiency and Smarter User Behavior with IoT and Machine Learning
Abbes Amira (Univ. of Sharja, UAE)

15:00 — Coffee break

15:15 — Session 2

A Framework for Global Trust and Reputation Management in 6G Networks
Bac Trinh-Nguyen (CY Paris Univ., France and CNRS, Singapore), Sara Berri (CY Paris Univ., France), Sin G. Teo (A*STAR, Singapore), Tram Truong-Huu (SIT, Singapore) and Arsenia Chorti (CY Paris Univ., France)

DRL Framework for Minimizing Beam Switching Time and Maintaining QoS in 6G-V2X Base Stations
Ali Belgacem (Poitiers Univ., France) and Abbas Bradai (Cote d'Azur Univ., France)

Reducing BLE Energy Loss in Busy 2.4GHz Band
Morgane Joly (Normandy Univ., France), Éric Renault (ESIEE Paris, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France) and Fabian Rivière (NXP Semicondictors, France)

18:00 — Visit of the Cathedral (tentative)

19:30 — Conference dinner

Thursday November 28th, 2024

10:00 — Keynote 3

Transforming Urban Mobility and Vehicle Security: Exploring ICT and AI Advances in Smart City Networks
Jalel Ben Othman (Univ. Paris XIII, France)

11:00 — Coffee break

11:15 — Session 3

Leveraging SHAP to Advance the Robustness of Large Language Models
Mohamed Yacine Djema, Hacène Fouchal and Olivier Flauzac (Univ. of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France)

Keyword-Driven Email Classification: Leveraging Machine Learning Techniques
Jiahui Xiang, Osman Salem and Ahmed Meahoua (Univ. Paris Cité, France)

Predicting Intents: ARMA-Based Modeling
Nagham Hachem and Éric Renault (ESIEE Paris, Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France)

12:30 — Lunch break

14:00 — Keynote 4

On Reducing the Reliance on Data in Deep Learning-based Wireless Research
Shiwen Mao (Auburn Univ. USA)

15:00 — Coffee break

15:15 — Session 4

Design and Evaluation of a Lightweight SDN Controller for Integrated Road and Rail Networks -- Best paper
Dingyang Liu, Dereje Mechal Molla, Leo Mendiboure (Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France), Sassi Maaloul (Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France and JUNIA Engineering School, France), Marion Berbineau and Hakim Badis (Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France)

PiPS: an Effective Strategy and Approach for Privacy in Public Surveillance
Sajid Ahmed (Shah Abdul Latif Univ., Pakistan and Saitama Univ., Japan) and Noriaki Yoshiura (Saitama Univ., Japan)

Towards the Automation of Network Anomaly Detection
Christophe Maudoux and Selma Boumerdassi (CNAM, France)

Friday November 29th, 2024

10:00 — Session 5 (remote)

A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning Approaches for Tomato Leaf Diseases Detection and Classification in Smart Agriculture
Oussama Nabil and Cherkaoui Leghris (Hassan II Univ. of Casablanca, Morocco)

A Review on Advancement in PEM Fuel Cell Diagnosis based on Machine Learning Techniques
Kahia Hichem (Univ. of Biskra, Algeria), Selma Boumerdassi (CNAM, France), Aissa Belmeguenai (Univ. M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria), Abderrahmane Herbadji (Univ. of Setif-1, Algeria) and Djamel Herbadji (Univ. M'Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria)

GPS Spoofing Attack against UAVs: a Timeseries Dataset Case Study
Mustapha Mouzai and Mohamed Amine Riahla (Univ. M'hamed Bougara of Boumerdes, Algeria)

11:15 — Conference closing