4th International Workshop on Intent-Based Networking (WIN'2024)

In conjunction with IEEE Netsoft 2024
June 24, 2024 // Saint Louis, USA

Intent Based Networking (IBN) focuses on technology-agnostic, flexible and robust interactions between network infrastructure management and operating systems and their users. One of the main goals of IBN is the lifecycle automation and deployment acceleration of communication services and applications. As such, IBN articulates various mechanisms to recognize, understand, augment and refine intents based on service and operational requests. Intent-based systems continuously strive to fulfill and assure service and network operation within the expected qualitative and performance boundaries, thanks to reliable system feedback.

The concept of IBN appeared in the 2010’s with a focus on automated policy configuration. IBN now reaches out to versatile applications and services deployed over heterogeneous digital communication infrastructures. A core challenge of IBN solutions is the stretch between generalization of the application scope (potentially spanning horizontally and vertically end-to-end through networks) and the need of to run in a well-defined network scope and associated knowledge domains, while preserving enough flexibility.

The goal of this workshop is to gather research and experiments from industry, academia, standards and open-source works, to get a sense of IBN technology maturity, areas that require further exploration, development and validation. To this end, the workshop will cover IBN aspects of all domains including applications, concepts, lifecycle, challenges, architectures, modeling, instantiation, robustness, etc.

Authors are invited to submit novel contributions, which are not under review in any other conference or journal, to EDAS.

Technical papers must be formatted using the IEEE 2-column format and not exceed 6 pages.

Accepted papers will be included in IEEE NetSoft 2024 proceedings and indexed in IEEEXplore library.

Topics of interest include and are not limited to: