5th International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2022)
Program *
Monday November 28th, 2022
09:00 — Registration
09:45 — Conference opening
10:00 — Session 1
Session chair: Paul Mühlethaler (INRIA, France)
Comparison of AI-Based coexistence countermeasures for cognitive radio
Morgane Joly and Fabian Rivière (NXP Semiconductors, France) and Éric Renault (ESIEE Paris, France)
Anomalies detection by network flow clustering approach
Christophe Maudoux and Selma Boumerdassi (CNAM, France)
Optimal Placement of AI Functions at the Edge
Nour-el-houda Yellas (CNAM, France), Bernardetta Addis (Université de Lorraine, France), Roberto Riggio (Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy) and Stefano Secci (CNAM, France)
11:30 — Lunch break
13:30 — Keynote 1
Interpretable & Explainable Machine Learning (IML/XAI) in the Industrial IoT domain: Are Bayesian Optimization and IML/XAI far from each other?
Soumya Banerjee (Research & Innovation Trasna Solutions Ltd. (Europe))
14:30 — Coffee break
15:30 — Session 2
Session chair: Christophe Maudoux (CNAM, France)
Development of an Intent-Based Network incorporating Machine Learning for service Assurance of E-commerce Online Stores
Remigio Hurtado, Mario Torres, Bryan Pintado, Arantxa Muñoz (Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador)
Cyber-attack proactive defense using multivariate time series and machine learning with Fuzzy Inference-based Decision System
Rahmoune Bitit (USTHB University, Algeria), Abdelouahid Derhab (King Saud University, Saudi Arabia), Mohamed Guerroumi (USTHB University, Algeria) and Mohamed Belaoued (University of Reims Champagne Ardenne and Caplogy, France)
iPerfOPS: a Tool for Machine Learning-Based Optimization through Protocol Selection
Hamidreza Anvari and Paul Lu (University of Alberta, Canada)
GRAPHSEC – Advancing the Application of AI/ML to Network Security through Graph Neural Networks
Pedro Casas (Austrian Institute of Technology, Austria), Juan Vanerio (University of Vienna, Austria), Johanna Ullrich (University of Vienna and SBA Research, Austria), Mislav Findrik (Cyan Security, Austria) and Pere Barlet-Ros (Barcelona Neural Networking Center, Spain)
Tuesday November 29th, 2022
09:00 — Keynote 2
Reinforcement Learning for Irregular Slotted Aloha (IRSA) with short frames
Iman Hmedoush (Nokia Bell Labs, France)
10:00 — Coffee break
10:30 — Session 3
Session chair: Morgane Joly (NXP Semiconductors, France)
Low Complexity Adaptive ML Approaches for End-to-End Latency Prediction
Pierre Larrenie (Thales SIX and ESIEE Paris, France), Jean-François Bercher (ESIEE Paris, France), Iyad Lahsen-Cherif (INPT, Morocco) and Olivier Venard (Univ. Gustave Eiffel, France)
TDMA-based MAC protocols designed or optimized using Artificial Intelligent for safety data dissemination in Vehicular ad-hoc network: A Survey
Maroua Ghamri (University of Jijel, Algeria) and Selma Boumerdassi (CNAM, France)
11:30 — Lunch break
13:30 — Tutorial
Cloud Solution Architect (Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning)
Franck Gaillard (Microsoft, France)
Link to Microsoft Azure for the creation of a free account.
15:30 — Coffee break
16:00 — Session 4
A Machine Learning Based Approach to Detect Stealthy Cobalt Strike C&C Activities from Encrypted Network Traffic
Fabian Martin Ramos (George Mason University, USA and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain) and Xinyuan Wang (George Mason University, USA)
Unified Emulation-Simulation Training Environment for Autonomous Cyber Agents
Li Li, Jean-Pierre S. El Rami, Adrian Taylor (Defence Research and Development Canada, Canada), James Hailing Rao (Queen's University, Canada) and Thomas Kunz (Carleton University, Canada)
Deep Learning Based Camera Switching for Sports Broadcasting
Hamid Reza Tohidypour, Yixiao Wang, Mahsa T. Pourazad, Panos Nasiopoulos, Gurpreet Heir, Derinsola Ibikunle, Anthony Li, Fawaz Ahmed Saleem and Zhaobang Luo (University of British Columbia, Canada)
19:45 — Conference dinner
It will take place on riverboat Le Capitaine Fracasse.
The access map is available here.
Wednesday November 30th, 2022
09:00 — Keynote 3
Evolution of network architectures and protocol stacks
Constantine Dovrotis (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
10:00 — Coffee break
10:30 — Session 5
Phisherman: Phishing Link Scanner
Christian Angelo A. Escoses, Mark Renzo R. Magno, Hannah Mae P. Balba, Neil C. Enriquez (NU Laguna, Philippines) and Marlon A. Diloy (National University and NU Laguna, Philippines)
Leader-Assisted Client Selection for Federated Learning in Iot via the Cooperation of Nearby Devices
Mohamed Aiche (University Blida 1, Algeria), Samir Ouchani (Ecole d'Ingénieur CESI, France) and Hafida Bouarfa (University Blida 1, Algeria)
11:30 — Conference closing
11:45 — Lunch break
*Information for virtual visitors: all dates and times are indicated in CET (UTC+1).