International Conference on Machine Learning for Networking (MLN'2018)
Invited speaker : Kevin Curran
Title: How did IoT security get to be such a nightmare?
The rapid growth of the IoT market has seen the focus on the rapid development of hardware at the expense of security. As a result, there has been a lack of consistency and standards across the infrastructure that enables these solutions. As the industry evolves, the need for a standard becomes more important to ensure interoperability and security for the system as a whole. This requires collaboration on a global scale in agreeing standards that will lay the foundations for the framework of IoT, ensuring interoperability and security for the entire eco-system. IoT security is different because connected devices are primarily embedded dedicated computer systems and are therefore quite limited. They are often single purpose devices, performing specific functions within a wider, more complex system – for example, light bulbs, TVs, pacemakers and kettles. IoT security mechanisms should be equally specialised and prevent targeted attacks, which are often unique to device function.
This talk will highlight the security issues unique to IoT, how to deploy IoT devices with sufficient security & highlight new initiatives to address the issue of IoT vulnerabilities.
Kevin Curran is a Professor of Cyber Security, Executive Co-Director of the Legal innovation Centre and group leader of the Ambient Intelligence & Virtual Worlds Research Group at Ulster University. He is also a senior member of the IEEE. Prof Curran is perhaps most well-known for his work on cyber security, blockchain and location positioning within indoor environments evidenced by over 800 peer review papers. He is one of the most interviewed technology experts in the UK with over 1000+ interviews in recent years